A program written for use in Linguistics 120A, "Phonology I", in the Department of Linguistics at UCLA.
PhonologyPad is a program that lets you do classical phonology problems (with paradigms, underlying forms, and ordered rules). It never tells you the answer to a problem, but it always checks your answer for accuracy, and it often points out problems with your answer that need to be fixed.
PhonologyPad was funded by a grant from UCLA's Office of Instructional Development to Bruce Hayes, and was written by Daniel Albro.
You may freely download and use this software. However, it is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California and may not be used for any commercial purpose.
You need Windows 95 or higher to run PhonologyPad. Unfortunately, there is no Mac version.
To get PhonologyPad to work, you must first install another phonology program, called FeaturePad. If you are interested in phonological software (or are enrolled in my course) you will want to have FeaturePad in any event. Go here first to download and install it.
Once you have FeaturePad working, you need to do four things to get PhonologyPad up and running:
To download PhonologyPad:
Click here to download PhonologyPad.zip. When you download it, tell your browser to put it in your Downloads folder. (Click here if you need to learn how to make a Downloads folder.).
To unzip PhonologyPad:
Some computers are set up so that they automatically unzip anything that they download. If yours is set up in this way, skip this step.
To unzip a file, you need an unzipping program. Most computers come with one already installed. If yours doesn't, you may obtain one by following the instructions given here.
Using your unzipping program probably works like this. Click on My Computer, then search down until you're in your Downloads folder. Once you're in Downloads, right-click on PhonologyPad.zip, then select Unzip. It may take a second for all the newly unpacked files to make their appearance in the Downloads folder; be patient.
To install PhonologyPad:
Some computers are automatically set up to unzip and then install that they download. If yours is set up this way, skip this step.
Look through all those files that just got unzipped, and find the file called setup.exe. Double-click on it, then follow the instructions to get a standard Windows installation. Please put it in the folder that Windows suggests to you; i.e. don't ask for a different location.
Once you've installed PhonologyPad, you can delete everything that was in the Downloads folder (Ctr a, Files, Delete, Yes, Yes to All), if you so wish. On the other hand, sometimes it can be useful to keep your old downloaded program files in order to install them the next time you get a new computer...
To run PhonologyPad:
Click on My Computer, then C:, then Program Files, then PhonologyPad, then double click on PhonologyPad.exe. If all goes well, the program will start.
For convenience, you may create a shortcut. Click on My Computer, then C:, then Program Files, then single-click on PhonologyPad.exe, and drag it to the desktop. This will put an icon on the desktop, which will start PhonologyPad whenever you click on it. You can move the shortcut to whatever location you find convenient.
There is a short manual for PhonologyPad, which is included in the download package. You can also inspect it by clicking here.
Download manual in PDF Format
here to
obtain the free Adobe PDF reader, which you need to read this.]
PhonologyPad needs a font which is distributed for free by the Summer Institute of Linguistics. The SIL permits UCLA to distribute this font, with the condition that no one who receives the font sell it or distribute it without their permission. You are asked to read the Readme file for this font before you use it.
The font comes as part of PhonologyPad.exe. First, install FeaturePad as described above. This will give you a special font file called silipa93.exe. To find this file, click on My Computer, then C:, then Program Files, then FeaturePad. Then double-click on silipa93.exe, and the SIL font package will be installed for you. Once you have the fonts, you can put silipa93.exe in the Recycle Bin.
Last updated May 11, 2002