Linguistics 103: Introduction to General Phonetics
This version of the page is for my fall 2013 offering of the course.
Schedule of Readings and Assignments
in reverse chronological order; newest first
Week 10
Mon. December 2
Sign up for oral final if you haven’t already—electronic signup on
this pageNext quiz: English allophones. To prepare, download the course handout from today (if you missed) and study with this sound file (all examples). More practice on allophones available here.
Read the text, Chapter 6. At this point you should have read the whole thing.
By the end of today you should have a recording for your term project. Study Chapter 13 of the manual for transcribing your recording, Chaps. 14-15 for how to write the paper.
Please visit this page and sign up for a slot for the final production exam (Dec. 10-11). Please contact me if you need a time outside the normal slots.
Mon. November 25
At the end of today we will have covered everything. You can listen to me saying all the sounds by visiting these sites: vowels, consonants, tones
Wednesday will be a bit on English allophones and dialects, plus practice and review. No quiz.
The last course requirements will be:
the in-class final, Wed. 12/4. Like the
quizzes only longer. I may repeat a lot of questions.
Term project, due Monday
An individual production exam given by
appointment in my office Wed. 12/11 and Thurs. 12/12. I will circulate a
signup sheet.
No sections Friday, Thanksgiving holiday.
Wed. November 20
I will be away (Italy, back Monday) and Michael will teach the class from my notes.
Week 8Wed. November 20
I will be away (Italy, back Monday) and Michael will teach the class from my notes.
Quiz for next time: transcribe ejectives and implosives, plus a couple of general transcriptions. You can practice here.
Mon. November 18This is the start of recording period, so be sure you have a plan. Reread chapter 12 of the term project manual; sign up for the booth here or borrow a mike in Campbell 3125.
As soon as you have a recording done, read Chapter 12 of the term project manual on how to transcribe it.
Mac users: here is a version of Wavesurfer for you.
Take a quick look here to see vocal fold vibration in slow motion.
Visit here and look at the examples of creaky and breathy voice they have.
Quiz for next time:
Voiced, voiceless unaspirated, aspirated
stops. You can practice here.
Read a multiple-choice spectrogram. You can practice here
Week 7
Wed. November
Homework #4 is due Monday 11/18 in class. You can get it on line here.
Quiz for next time: questions on Rogers Chapters 7 and 8, including some spectrogram reading. To prepare, reread Rogers, read over the official acoustic phonetics curriculum handout (given out in class), and you can also visit here for practice.
Reading: Rogers Chapters 12 and 13.
Term project: Next week is recording week. Study the handout on making recordings (now part of the term project manual), and signup for a recording time here. You should have gotten your commented word list back from me; look over the comments and revise accordingly before you record.
Week 6
Wed. November
Current reading: Rogers 7 and 8. Next up is 12.
Chap. 12 of term paper manual — about recordings
Sign up for a recording
time — from this web
Next quiz: more general dictations, calculate an F0 from
Draft word list is due Mon. 11/11. Please either hand
it in early, or email it to me, or hand in before 10 the next day.
Recording information
Main source of information: study Chap. 12 of term paper manual .
Sign up for a recording time — from this web site
Staff who can
help you with your recording:
During business hours, the backup-help person is Mr.
Henry Tehrani, the Phonetics Lab technician. His office
is in 2101F Campbell Hall, the same floor as the booth.
hours: 8:30 to 5 daily; except not after 2:30 on 11/26. You can find him
in person or give him a call at 310 825-5527.
If you want to do a recording outside of business hours, the backup helper is the Phonetics Lab’s undergraduate assistant, Ms. Irene Chou. Irene can also let you into the building. You have to contact her in advance; email Available hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays after 6; Monday: after 3; Wednesday after 1; Friday: after 2. “Weekends I am pretty much available any time.”
Mon. November 4
#3 due on Wednesday Nov. 6. Sound files are at
Rogers Chapters 7 and 8
Read: term
project manual, Chapter 11, on word lists
Draft word list is due Mon.
Quiz next time: all tones, stress,
Week 5
Wed. October 30
Mon. 11/11 hand in
draft word list—work with speaker. See manual
Chap. 11 for guidance.
#3 due on Wednesday Nov. 6. Sound files are at
paper recordings 8th week. (This is end of 5th week.) Signup sheet
will be passed around soon; ask me if you need to do it early.
We’ll soon be doing acoustics; ch. 8-9 Rogers
Quiz next time: study
tones; practice at
Mon. October 28
Read: Rogers
chapter 14. Feel free to stop at page 280; he digresses into phonology at this
Read: term
paper manual Chapter 11, How to Prepare Your Word List
Work on your word
list; draft list due Mon. 11/11. Work with your speaker.
Quiz next
time: more vowels and secondary articulations. Study vowels on the
Vowel and secondary-articulation links from:
Week 4
Wed. October 23
R: Rogers
chapters so far: 1-4, 9-11
R: new chapter 10 of manual:
Linguist and consultant. You can either read the hard copy handed out in
class or download
Quiz next time: vowel symbols and vowel-pair or vowel-triplet
To prepare, visit
Also, you can listen to the cardinal vowels on
Peter Ladefoged's web site:
report (< one page) is due next class, Mon. 10/28
identify speaker
identify reference
explain how you will get minimal set and
ask questions
Mon. October
Read: Rogers chap. 9
today’s handout on finding allophones
Preliminary report (< one page) is
due Mon. 10/28. Ingredients of your report: identify speaker,
identify reference source, explain how you will get minimal sets and allophones,
ask me questions
Quiz next time: all IPA consonants; study by visiting
this page and
this page and this page.
Week 3
Wed. October 16
Read: Rogers Chapter 11.
Look for speaker and
reference source—come see me to get your book vetted.
Quiz next time: any consonants
(symbol, description, dictation). Study by visiting this page and
this page and this page.
Mon. October
Visit this
page, listen to the real-life versions of the sounds we're working on.
Do a bit of exploring.
Read: the term
paper manual, chapters 1-7
for speaker and reference source.
Term paper progress report due Mon. 10/28
Quiz next
time. All consonant symbols taught so far, and dictations. Study by
visiting this page
and this
page and this
Wed. October 9
Homework #2 due in class Mon. Oct. 14. Web
page (including download for homework itself) is here.
Chap. 10 of Rogers
Look for speaker and reference source. Preliminary
report is due Mon.10/28.
Quiz next time: know all symbols taught this
class (study in Rogers), more English dictations from
firm up your phonology by reading this
chapter from Hayes's phonology textbook.
Mon. October
Homework #2 due in class Mon. Oct. 14. Web page
(including download for homework itself) is here.
Read Chap. 4 of the
Quiz next time: about pp. 44-47 of text
Find term
project language and speaker
Week 1
Wed. October 2
Read text: Chap. 3
Re-read the term paper
assignment. Note that this is Chapter 2 of the term project manual, which you
can download from the link near at the top of this page. I'll keep
updating the Manual through the course.
Homework #1 due Friday 10/4 in
5-min. quiz Monday: study the first 20 items here. I'll select from them for dictation.
Also, know all the terms on p. 39 of your text.
Hunt for
a term project speaker. You can look at Chapter 3 of the Manual for
September 30: syllabus, first homework, sign up sheet
text: Chaps. 1-2 for next time.
5-min. quiz Wed. Study on this
Start hunting
for a project speaker.