Answer is "The Ider dill lames woe."
For comparison, here are
"The outer dill names Roe." (you can click on them to play the original sounds)
Ider/outer, [aI] diphthong is identifiable from strong rise of F2 at .35 seconds of first spectrogram. Compare feeble rise at 2.35 of second spectrogram. Note that both Ider and outer have a tap, so the phonemic /t/-/d/ distinction (produced in more careful speech) is no help here.
gill/dill: [g] identifiable from velar pinch (F2 and F3 mutually close) at .55 of first spectrogram. No such pinch at 2.55 of second spectrogram.
lames/names: [l] idenfiable by high F3 and by lack of sharp boundary with adjacent vowels around 0.8 and 0.85 of first spectrogram. Second spectrogram has such boundaries, at 2.72 and 2.78.
woe/roe: In first spectrogram, around 1.25 second, F2 and F3 fail to converge, indicating [w] rather than [r]. Such an F2-F3 convergence does occur in the second spectrogram around 3.15.
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Last updated Nov. 3, 2004