Answer is "The Ider dill lames woe."

For comparison, here are

"The Ider gill lames woe."


"The outer dill names Roe." (you can click on them to play the original sounds)

"The Ider gill lames woe."

"The outer dill names Roe."

Ider/outer, [aI] diphthong is identifiable from strong rise of F2 at .35 seconds of first spectrogram.  Compare feeble rise at 2.35 of second spectrogram.  Note that both Ider and outer have a tap, so the phonemic /t/-/d/ distinction (produced in more careful speech) is no help here.

gill/dill:  [g] identifiable from velar pinch (F2 and F3 mutually close) at .55 of first spectrogram.  No such pinch at 2.55 of second spectrogram.

lames/names:   [l] idenfiable by high F3 and by lack of sharp boundary with adjacent vowels around 0.8 and 0.85 of first spectrogram.  Second spectrogram has such boundaries, at 2.72 and 2.78.

woe/roe:  In first spectrogram, around 1.25 second, F2 and F3 fail to converge, indicating [w] rather than [r].  Such an F2-F3 convergence does occur in the second spectrogram around 3.15.

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Last updated Nov. 3, 2004