Answer is "Fussy lags repel rubber rats."
For comparison, here are
"Fussy lags repel rubber rats."
"Fuzzy labs repel rugger routes." (you can click on them to play the original sounds)
"Fussy lags repel rubber rats."
"Fuzzy labs repel rugger routes."
fussy/fuzzy, [s] at 400 msec. in first spectrogram has no low-pitch voicing; [z] at 450 msec. in second spectrogram has low pitch voicing from about 0-500 Hz.
lags/labs: at 900 msec. of the first spectrogram, there is a velar pinch indicating velar place of articulation. F2 and F3 converge about about 2000 Hz. At 850 msec. of the second spectrogram, F1, F2, F3 all drop approaching the closure for [b], indicating bilabial place of articulation.
repel/rebel: First spectrogram shows aspiration from 1300-1350 msec., indicating a voiceless stop before a stressed vowel. At the analogous point in the second spectrogram, about 1200-1250 msec., there is silence but no aspiration. This is the "voiceless voiced stop" (IPA: voiceless unaspirated) that English often has before a stressed vowel.
rubber/rugger: First spectrogram: vowel formant fall into, and rise out of, the closure for [b] at 1650-1750 msec. Second spectrogram: at 1600 msec., a velar pinch (F2 and F3 converging [u] at about 1900 Hz.). The "er" syllable is so quiet we can't see F3 on this spectrogram, so we can't tell if there is a velar pinch coming out of the vowel.
rats/routes: First spectrogram, around 2000 msec.: F1 at about 800 and F2 at about 1700 indicate a low front vowel. Second spectrogram, around 2000 msec.: F1 around 300 Hz. and F2 around 1700 indicate a high vowel; F2 is rather high for an /u/, but I probably said something much fronter than this (like IPA barred u), accounting for the high F2.
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Last updated Nov. 3, 2004