fontsize 18 width 1 xaxislabel Base harmony (based on vowels of stem) yaxislabel Probability of back suffix allomorph xstart -6 xend 5 seriesTitle No C env. displace 0 point -5.394199963 1 count 1000 toplabel B point -1.720781331 0.899606299 count 1000 toplabel Bi point -0.619297409 0.624015748 count 1000 toplabel Be point 0.27021248 0.494094488 count 1000 toplabel BE point 1.446191372 0.137795276 count 1000 toplabel BNN point 2.487022816 0.045275591 count 1000 toplabel N point 3.746902327 0 count 1000 toplabel F seriesTitle 1 C env. displace 1.046618744 point -5.394199963 1 count 1000 point -1.720781331 0.647637795 count 1000 point -0.619297409 0.407480315 count 1000 point 0.27021248 0.17519685 count 1000 point 1.446191372 0.082677165 count 1000 point 2.487022816 0.045275591 count 1000 point 3.746902327 0 count 1000 seriesTitle 2 C envs. displace 1.330575739 point -5.394199963 1 count 1000 point -1.720781331 0.590551181 count 1000 point -0.619297409 0.340551181 count 1000 point 0.27021248 0.133858268 count 1000 point 1.446191372 0.070866142 count 1000 point 2.487022816 0.013779528 count 1000 point 3.746902327 0 count 1000